Luna Llena Con Cara

A full moon with a smiling face, as the Man in the Moon. Generally depicts the moon as a dark disc with a slightly smiling human face and nose.

See also 🌕 Full Moon. May be used to represent the moon more generally. Commonly used a smiley. Occasionally used for irony and sarcasm.

Apple and WhatsApp’s eyes are looking left, as if giving the side-eye. Samsung and Facebook’s faces are looking straight ahead. Google’s facial expression resembles 😏 Smirking Face, Twitter’s 🙂 Slightly Smiling Face.

Google’s face previously evoked Lenny Face, Microsoft’s eyes appeared to be closed, Twitter’s resembled its 🌚 New Moon Face, and Facebook’s face was a simple, yellow smiley.

Luna Llena Con Cara se aprobó como parte de Unicode 6.0 en 2010 y se agregó a Emoji 1.0 en 2015.