

A stylized white flower. Generally depicted as a rosette-shaped cherry blossom in pink or red outline, often with a white fill.

Apple, Microsoft, WhatsApp, and Facebook's designs feature Japanese characters roughly translating to very well done, used by teachers as a stamp for students who did exceptional work, often accompanied by a score in red.

Commonly used for Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, and other special occasions. May be more generally used to express such ideas as love, happiness, and beauty. Also used as a pink, white, or red accent color.

Not to be confused with 🌸 Cherry Blossom and 🌺 Hibiscus, though their applications may overlap.

Apple's flower previously featured a red-outlined design, Google's an orange outline. Microsoft's flower was previously black and white, Samsung and Facebook's pink and white.

大変よくできました は 2010 内の ユニコード6.0 の一部として承認されたものであり、2015 内の Emoji 1.0 に追加されました.