

A locked (closed) padlock with an upright key at its right. Vendors implement the same designs as their 🔒 Locked and 🔑 Key.

May represent digital keys in public-key technology. May have similar applications as 🔒 Locked (privacy, security) and 🔑 Key (means of access, "crucial"). Sometimes used to represent a locket to symbolize romantic love and commitment.

Apple’s design previously featured the easter egg UM242 on its key, a reference to locks on Herman Miller office furniture. Facebook’s design once displayed a silver key, its head at the bottom.

This emoji does not display in page titles on Apple’s Safari web browser, presumably to prevent less reputable sites from pretending to be secure (encrypted using HTTPS).

Additionally, this emoji is not supported in Twitter / X names, to minimize confusion with private accounts on the platform. Learn more here.

閉じた錠と鍵 は 2010 内の ユニコード6.0 の一部として承認されたものであり、2015 内の Emoji 1.0 に追加されました.
