लाल हृदय
A classic red love heart emoji.
The red heart ideograph is traditionally used for expressions of love and romance across many cultures, with this being amongst the most frequence use cases for this emoji.
However, the Red Heart emoji is also often used to express non-romantic positive sentiments, in part thanks to its use as one of the default reaction emoji options across many social messaging platforms (e.g. Instagram, Slack, WhatsApp).
Additionally, as with the other color-based hearts, this emoji is often also used to express an affinity with or appreciation for various people, places, groups, objects, or ideas associated with the same color.
This is historically the most popular heart emoji by a considerable distance and is amongst the most popular emojis of all time.
A similar emoji exists for the heart suit in a deck of playing cards.
On Snapchat, this emoji displays next to a friend when you have been #1 BFs with each other for two consecutive weeks.
Note: the Unicode Character Database (UCD) name “Heavy Black Heart” pre-dates color emoji, when the term referred to a solid, black ❤︎ heart character. See the glossary for information on the term black in historic Unicode character names.
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