
स्ट्रॉ असलेला कप

A drinking cup with a straw. Depicted on many platforms as a disposable cup with a lid and bendy straw, as used to serve soft drinks at fast-food restaurants. May be used for a range of non-alcoholic beverages, including milkshakes, smoothies, juice, and to-go beverages.

Color and design vary by platform. Twitter's design suggests a glass of water, while Samsung's previously displayed a Slightly Smiling Face on a red label.

स्ट्रॉ असलेला कप ला युनिकोड 10.0 चा भाग म्हणून 2017 मध्ये मंजूर केले गेले आणि 2017 मध्ये Emoji 5.0 मध्ये जोडले गेले.