
ఎలుక బోను

A trap used to catch a mouse, rat, or other unwanted rodent. Metaphorically used in emoji form to suggest any kind of trap or entrapment.

The style of trap shown on major platforms has a box held high with a single stick. A wedge of cheese is used to lure a mouse into the box, knocking the stick away and trapping — but not killing — the mouse.

This is distinct from other traps which kill or injure upon capture.

ఎలుక బోను 2020లో యూనికోడ్ 13.0 యొక్క భాగంగా ఆమోదించబడింది మరియు 2020లో Emoji 13.0 ు జోడించబడింది.

ఈ ఎమోజీ వీటితో గొప్పగా ఉంటుంది
