

A light bulb, as screwed into a lamp to light a room. Depicted as an incandescent bulb with a silver base, often shown with filament and a soft, yellow-white glow.

Commonly used to represent ideas (as over a head in a cartoon), thinking, and learning, often as paired with 🤔 Thinking Face or 💭 Thought Balloon. May also represent various senses of light and brightness.

బల్బ్ 2010లో యూనికోడ్ 6.0 యొక్క భాగంగా ఆమోదించబడింది మరియు 2015లో Emoji 1.0 ు జోడించబడింది.

ఈ ఎమోజీ వీటితో గొప్పగా ఉంటుంది
