

A face with small, open eyes, open frown, raised eyebrows, and a pale blue forehead, as if experiencing a cold flash.

While intended to represent fear (less intense than 😱 Face Screaming in Fear), it also conveys a wide variety of emotions, including feeling amazed, shocked, sad, upset, and cold. Bears the same expression as 😧 Anguished Face on most platforms.

Unlike other vendors, Huawei's design shows this emoji holding a hand over its mouth, albeit differently to 🫢 Face with Open Eyes and Hand Over Mouth and 🤭 Face with Hand Over Mouth. Samsung’s design previously showed upper teeth and tongue.

害怕 在 2010 被批准为 统一码6.0 的一部分,并在 2015 被添加到 Emoji 1.0 中.