
Drapeau de Northern Ireland (GB-NIR)

Flag for Northern Ireland is a valid subdivision, but not currently implemented by any major vendors (possibly due to lack of an official flag).

The Ulster Banner has had no official status since 1972 and is not used by the current Northern Ireland government or by the British government, though it is used to represent Northern Ireland internationally in some sporting competitions.

The 🇬🇧 United Kingdom Flag is the current official flag of Northern Ireland.

L'emoji Drapeau de Northern Ireland (GB-NIR) est un tag sequence combinant 🏴 Drapeau Noir󠁧 Tag Latin Small Letter G󠁢 Tag Latin Small Letter B󠁮 Tag Latin Small Letter N󠁩 Tag Latin Small Letter I󠁲 Tag Latin Small Letter R and 󠁿 Cancel Tag. Ceux-ci s'affichent sous la forme d'un seul emoji sur les plateformes prises en charge.