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Chevron left

유니코드 버전 7.0

The Unicode Consortium approved the following characters as part of Unicode 7.0, released on June 16, 2014. Support for these emoji characters rely on updates from platform vendors such as Apple, Google and Microsoft.

Initially, 250 new characters in Unicode 7.0 were approved for emoji presentation, however this was later reduced to 103 Standard Additions which are listed below. The other characters remain part of Unicode, but are not recommended to be included as emojis.

The exception to this was the Left Speech Bubble, and as such wasn't initially specified on other platforms as an emoji. A later-accepted proposal updated this.

🙂살짝 미소 짓는 얼굴🙁살짝 찡그린 얼굴🕳️구멍🗨️왼쪽 말풍선🗯️화난 표현의 오른쪽 말풍선🖐️쫙 편 손바닥🖖벌칸식 인사🖕중지👁️🕵️탐정🕴️공중에 떠 있는 정장 입은 사람🏌️골프치는 사람🏋️역도 선수🛌침대에 누운 사람🗣️말하고 있는 옆얼굴🐿️얼룩다람쥐🕊️비둘기🕷️거미🕸️거미줄🏵️장미🌶️홍고추🍽️포크와 나이프가 있는 접시🗺️세계 지도🏔️눈 덮인 산🏕️캠핑🏖️파라솔이 있는 해변🏜️사막🏝️사막 섬🏞️국립공원🏟️경기장🏛️고전 양식의 건축물🏗️건물 공사🏘️주택 건물🏚️낡은 주택 건물🏙️도시 전경🏎️경주용 자동차🏍️오토바이🛣️고속도로🛤️철도 선로🛢️기름통🛳️여객선🛥️모터보트🛩️경비행기🛫비행기 이륙🛬비행기 착륙🛰️인공위성🛎️호출 벨🕰️벽난로 선반 시계🌡️온도계🌤️작은 구름 뒤의 태양🌥️큰 구름 뒤의 태양🌦️비구름 뒤의 태양🌧️비구름🌨️눈구름🌩️번개구름🌪️토네이도🌫️안개🌬️얼굴이 있는 바람🎗️추모 리본🎟️입장 티켓🎖️무공 훈장🏅스포츠 메달🕹️조이스틱🖼️그림 액자🕶️선글라스🛍️쇼핑백🎙️스튜디오 마이크🎚️레벨 슬라이더🎛️컨트롤 레버🖥️데스크톱 컴퓨터🖨️프린터🖱️컴퓨터 마우스🖲️트랙볼🎞️영화 프레임📽️영화 프로젝터📸플래시를 터트리고 있는 카메라🕯️양초🗞️돌돌 말린 신문🏷️라벨🗳️투표 용지가 있는 투표 상자🖋️만년필🖊️🖌️🖍️크레용🗂️카드 색인 파일🗒️스프링 노트🗓️스프링 달력🖇️이어져 있는 클립🗃️카드 파일 상자🗄️파일 보관 서랍장🗑️쓰레기통🗝️오래된 열쇠🛠️망치와 렌치🗡️단검🛡️방패🗜️압축기🛏️침대🛋️소파와 전등🕉️⏸️일시 정지 버튼⏹️정지 버튼⏺️녹음 버튼🏴펄럭이는 검은색 깃발🏳️펄럭이는 흰색 깃발🌢Black Droplet🌣White Sun🎔Heart with Tip On the Left🎕Bouquet of Flowers🎘Musical Keyboard with Jacks🎜Beamed Ascending Musical Notes🎝Beamed Descending Musical Notes🏱White Pennant🏲Black Pennant🏶Black Rosette📾Portable Stereo🔾Lower Right Shadowed White Circle🔿Upper Right Shadowed White Circle🕄Notched Right Semicircle with Three Dots🕅Symbol for Marks Chapter🕆White Latin Cross🕇Heavy Latin Cross🕈Celtic Cross🕨Right Speaker🕩Right Speaker with One Sound Wave🕪Right Speaker with Three Sound Waves🕫Bullhorn🕬Bullhorn with Sound Waves🕭Ringing Bell🕮Book🕱Black Skull and Crossbones🕲No Piracy🕻Left Hand Telephone Receiver🕼Telephone Receiver with Page🕽Right Hand Telephone Receiver🕾White Touchtone Telephone🕿Black Touchtone Telephone🖀Telephone On Top of Modem🖁Clamshell Mobile Phone🖂Back of Envelope🖃Stamped Envelope🖄Envelope with Lightning🖅Flying Envelope🖆Pen Over Stamped Envelope🖈Black Pushpin🖉Lower Left Pencil🖎Left Writing Hand🖏Turned Ok Hand Sign🖑Reversed Raised Hand with Fingers Splayed🖒Reversed Thumbs Up Sign🖓Reversed Thumbs Down Sign🖔Reversed Victory Hand🖗White Down Pointing Left Hand Index🖘Sideways White Left Pointing Index🖙Sideways White Right Pointing Index🖚Sideways Black Left Pointing Index🖛Sideways Black Right Pointing Index🖜Black Left Pointing Backhand Index🖝Black Right Pointing Backhand Index🖞Sideways White Up Pointing Index🖟Sideways White Down Pointing Index🖠Sideways Black Up Pointing Index🖡Sideways Black Down Pointing Index🖢Black Up Pointing Backhand Index🖣Black Down Pointing Backhand Index🖦Keyboard and Mouse🖧Three Networked Computers🖩Pocket Calculator🖪Black Hard Shell Floppy Disk🖫White Hard Shell Floppy Disk🖬Soft Shell Floppy Disk🖭Tape Cartridge🖮Wired Keyboard🖯One Button Mouse🖰Two Button Mouse🖳Old Personal Computer🖴Hard Disk🖵Screen🖶Printer Icon🖷Fax Icon🖸Optical Disc Icon🖹Document with Text🖺Document with Text and Picture🖻Document with Picture🖽Frame with Tiles🖾Frame with an X🖿Black Folder🗀Folder🗁Open Folder🗅Empty Note🗆Empty Note Page🗇Empty Note Pad🗈Note🗉Note Page🗊Note Pad🗋Empty Document🗌Empty Page🗍Empty Pages🗎Document🗏Page🗐Pages🗔Desktop Window🗕Minimize🗖Maximize🗗Overlap🗘Clockwise Right and Left Semicircle Arrows🗙Cancellation X🗚Increase Font Size Symbol🗛Decrease Font Size Symbol🗟Page with Circled Text🗠Stock Chart🗢Lips🗤Three Rays Above🗥Three Rays Below🗦Three Rays Left🗧Three Rays Right🗩Right Speech Bubble🗪Two Speech Bubbles🗫Three Speech Bubbles🗬Left Thought Bubble🗭Right Thought Bubble🗮Left Anger Bubble🗰Mood Bubble🗱Lightning Mood Bubble🗲Lightning Mood🗴Ballot Script X🗵Ballot Box with Script X🗶Ballot Bold Script X🗷Ballot Box with Bold Script X🗸Light Check Mark🗹Ballot Box with Bold Check🛆Triangle with Rounded Corners🛇Prohibited Sign🛈Circled Information Source🛉Boys Symbol🛊Girls Symbol🛦Up-Pointing Military Airplane🛧Up-Pointing Airplane🛨Up-Pointing Small Airplane🛪Northeast-Pointing Airplane🛱Oncoming Fire Engine🛲Diesel Locomotive

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