
Gerelateerde emoji's

Achterkant Van Hand Met Naar Links Wijzende Wijsvinger

An index finger pointing to the left.

Since 2020 this emoji has been known to be combined with the 🥺 Pleading Face and the 👉 Backhand Index Pointing Right to indicate a bashful or shy pose (🥺👉👈), also often called a "simp" pose.

An alternative "simp" pose uses the  😔 Pensive Face (😔👉👈). Additionally, using the 🙄 Rolling Eyes in between the pointing finger emojis indicates a person dismissively plugging their ears in an "I'm not listening" gesture (👉🙄👈).

Achterkant Van Hand Met Naar Links Wijzende Wijsvinger is goedgekeurd als onderdeel van Unicode 6.0 in 2010 en toegevoegd aan Emoji 1.0 in 2015.

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